The VBA Macro Programming training helps you to automate routine tasks by recording, and writing/editing the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA Code) in Microsoft Excel.
Code runs much faster, and save a huge amount of time. This beginner level training helps you learn the VBA language, and find practical ways to automate tasks and build a better workflow and automation in your work.
Learn to automate your most repetitive tasks at the push of a button with Excel macros and VBA. In this online course, you will learn to create powerful macros using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to really make Excel work for you. With no prior programming experience required, you’ll have your daily spreadsheets running like clockwork to save you hours of time and boost your productivity.
Understand the differences between macros and VBA.
Run your macro from the Macro dialog, a keyboard shortcut or worksheet button.
Understand the syntax and structure that make up a valid macro.
How VBA Objects and the Objects model relate to each other.
Using step vs run in entry level debugging.
How to create variables and assign strings, values or objects.
Implementing logic tests in VBA.
Set up looping with Do loops and Do While loops.
Create a VBA Message Boxes.
Set up an error trap in VBA to handle errors.
Power BI Connectivity
Create a User Defined Function (UDF)
Data analytics is the procedure of cleansing, transforming, inspecting, and modeling the data to discover useful information with conclusions and support the decision-making.
We know that Data Analytics has multiple facets and approaches that encompass diverse techniques under various names and are used in different science, social science, and business domains.
In today’s business world, we believe that Data Analytics plays an important role in making the decision more scientific and helping the business operate more efficiently and effectively.
We provide the Data Analytics training value to the method involved with looking at the data set to finish up, and the Strategies incorporate Al calculation robotization, which empowers you to take raw data and reveal examples to extricate significant experience is from the training